How to Do an Apple Cleansing Fast

How to Do an Apple Cleansing Fast

This simple and effective cleansing fast, adapted from Edgar Cayce's "Handbook for Health," will make you feel great with minimal interruption to your normal life. We recommend you read "How to Understand an Apple Cleansing Fast" (see Related eHows) and consult your doctor before beginning this fast.

Things You'll Need:

20 organic apples


Prepare for your fast by eating lightly the day prior to starting. Avoid the temptation to eat a big "last supper" the night before. Instead, have a green salad to brush your system clear and prepare your body.


Eat nothing but organic apples, red or yellow, for three full days. Drink plenty of water or apple juice as well.


Take two tablespoons of olive oil on the fourth day to aid in digestion and facilitate your movements following the fast.


Begin breaking the fast on the fourth day by drinking orange juice in the morning and eating a light meal of fruits and vegetables in the afternoon. By dinner you should be ready to add some light grains to your diet.


Eat regularly on the fifth day and return to a normal, healthy diet, and regular exercise schedule.


Repeat this cleansing diet once a month for two to three months to clear your entire alimentary canal, liver, kidneys and your system in general.

Tips & Warnings

Recommended apple brands include Jonathon, Jenneting, Black Arkansas, Oregon Red, Sheepnose, Delicious and Arkansas Russet. Make sure the apples you buy are organically grown.

You may drink coffee, if you desire, but do not add milk or cream.

Avoid strenuous exercise during your fast. Light yoga is an excellent choice.

Pregnant women and
should not fast.

If you have diabetes, heart disease, ulcerative colitis, or epilepsy; if you are under 18 or underweight; of if you are on medication; use extra caution when fasting.

Fasting is not a recommended method for losing weight.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact a physician or other health care professional before engaging in any activity related to health and diet. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

How to Do a Potato Fast for Weight Loss

How to Do a Potato Fast for Weight Loss

The potato fast is a great way to clean your system and lose 10 pounds while soothing your digestive tract at the same time. We recommend that you see "How to Understand a Potato Fast" and consult your doctor before engaging in this fast.

Things You'll Need:

Caraway Seeds



Fennel Seeds


Herbal Teas

Mint (fresh Herb)








Choose potatoes that are organically grown, small in size, but heavy for their size. Avoid potatoes with skin discolorations such as dark brown or green spots.


Eat only potatoes, morning, noon and night, for two to four days. Eat them baked, mashed, steamed, roasted, and juiced, but never fried.


Season your potatoes with chives, mint, cumin, turmeric, fennel, caraway, paprika, dill, nutmeg,
and fresh garlic. Use potato juice or herbal teas to aid in making mashed potatoes, but never add milk.


Leave the skins on the potatoes. The skins account for over 75% of the potato's mineral value.


Drink plenty of water and herbal teas. Use potato peels to make tea. Or make herbal teas to target specific ailments you may be dealing with. While your body is fasting it is particularily available to other treatments you may induce. Corn silk tea, burdock, nettle, yarrow, and dandelion root tea are all excellent teas to make during a potato fast.


Utilize an internal bath or enema at the end of your fast to help clear your colon of toxins.


Break your fast by adding fruits and vegetables to your diet of potatoes for a full day before introducing other foods.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid using aluminum pots, pans and foil when cooking your potatoes. When food is cooked in aluminum a reaction which displaces minerals in the foods being cooked occurs. These minerals, such as iron, zinc, magnesium, and copper are vital to the body.

Avoid strenous exercise during your fast. Some light yoga, walking and stretching are all excellent means of stimulating your metabolism and clearing your mind. After your fast it is essential that you begin a regular exercise schedule.

Drink plenty of water throughout your fast.

Pregnant women and
should not fast.

Consult your health care provider before going on this fast especially if you have diabetes, heart disease, ulcerative colitis, or epilepsy; if you are under 18 or underweight; or if you are on medication.

How to Do a Pineapple Fast for the Lungs

How to Do a Pineapple Fast for the Lungs

Over time, your lungs lose their elasticity, due to matter slowly accumulating in your lung pores. Pineapple is believed by some experts to help cleanse and tone these pores, as well as help expell intestinal worms through the enzyme bromelin. We recommend you read "How to Understand a Pineapple Fast" and consult your doctor before you begin this fast.

Things You'll Need:

Frozen Castor Oil Capsules

Crushed Pineapples


Ginger Teas

Herbal Teas

Pineapple Juices


Pumpkins Seeds

Raw Almonds

Laxatives Tea



Eat fresh pineapples, as much as you desire, for 3 full days. This fast can be done for up to 10 days, but a minimum of three is neccesary to achieve any results.


Drink wormwood tea or ginger tea as well. You may also include figs, raw almonds, and whole pumpkin seeds in your diet. These foods are also believed to be beneficial lung foods, but should only be used moderately and in addition to, not as a replacement for, the pineapple.


Drink a laxative tea or eat frozen castor oil capsules on the morning and night of the third day, and each day you fast beyond that, to help eliminate waste. Try one capsule at first, and if that is not enough, try two.


Break your fast by eating oranges or lightly steamed carrots to prepare your body for heavier foods.


Wait at least 6 hours after eating oranges or carrots before moving onto some raw or steamed vegatables. You may return to your normal diet the next day, but try to avoid heavy, difficult-to-digest foods in the beginning.

Tips & Warnings

The pineapple fast is excellent for anyone with any sort of intestinal worm, since the enzyme Bromelin, promenent in pineapple, destroys tapeworms and most other worms. It even destroys worm larvae, before they can hatch.

Include some light yoga and breathing exercises during your fast. Think about your lungs healing during this fast.

The astringent qualities of pineapple will loosen and clear mucus and toxins formed in the porous tissues of your lungs, allowing your lungs to better oxygenate your blood, and improving your entire well-being. Other astringent fruits work in a similar way, but in the tradition of this fast, pineapple is considered to be especially good for your lungs.

Pregnant women and
should not fast.

Consult your health care provider before going on this fast especially if you have diabetes, heart disease, ulcerative colitis, or epilepsy; if you are under 18 or underweight; or if you are on medication.

How to Do a Liver and Gallbladder Flush Fast

How to Do a Liver and Gallbladder Flush Fast

This particular fast is based on European folk medicine and is still used in health spas and hospitals to cleanse and revitalize two of your body's most essential cleansing tools--the liver and the gall bladder. We recommend that you read "How to Understand a Liver and Gall Bladder Flush" and consult your doctor before beginning this fast.

Things You'll Need:

Castor Oil

Dandelion Roots Dried

Epsom salt

Lemon Peels


Heating pads

Apple Juice


Orange rinds

Dandelion Leaves Dried


Enema Bags


Cleansing Enemas

Herbal Tea


Abstain from all solid foods for the first 2 days of the fast and drink organic apple juice, warmed with cinnamon sticks in it. Also drink dandelion root and dried dandelion leaf tea, made by simmering the 2 ingredients in water for 20 minutes.


Drink both drinks, 2 hours apart, for a total of 7 drinks each day.


Follow this general schedule with your drinks: 8 a.m.: 1/2 cup warm apple juice with 1/2 cup dandelion tea, together; 10 a.m.: 2 cup plain apple juice with 1/2 cup water; 12 noon: 1 cup tea and 1 cup apple juice, together; 2 p.m.: 2 cup juice, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup fresh pressed beet juice; 4 p.m.: 2 cup apple juice, 1/2 cup water; 6 p.m.: 1 cup apple juice, 1 cup tea, together; 8 p.m.: 2 cup apple juice. Continue this schedule for 2 to 4 days.


Take an internal bath on the last day of your fast before you begin the final step. This is optional, but recommended.


Begin to end your fast about 3 hours before you go to sleep by completing the following procedure.


Soak a 12-inch square of cloth, cotton or wool flannel fabric is best, with castor oil, and prepare either a heating pad or a hot water bottle.


Drink 1/4 tsp. Epsom salt dissolved in 1/3 cup warm water to dilate your gall bladder and liver ducts in preparation for the olive oil cocktail. You can chew orange or lemon rind if the Epsom salt bothers you.


Drink a blended combination of 1/3 cup cold pressed olive oil, 1/4 cup cream, 1/3 cup hot apple juice and 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice.


Get into bed lying on your right side. Place the castor oil cloth, with the heating pad over it (use old towels to avoid a mess), over your liver and gall bladder area (on your right side, just under your rib cage). Leave it there for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.


Remove the hot pack and castor oil cloth and drink the same Epsom salt drink that you drank earlier.


Rest easy. Drink some fresh-squeezed orange or lemon juice. And by the next day you should notice various sized pebbles in your eliminations, ranging in color from bright green to dark brown--gall stones formed by rancid fats in your diet.


Break your fast by avoiding fried foods, oils, and fats. Eat oranges, pineapple, grapefruit and berries in the morning; a leafy green for lunch; fresh soup, salad and steamed vegetables for dinner. Continue this general type of diet for a few days after your fast.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid heavy exercise during the fast. Light yoga, walking or
are excellent for stimulating your metabolism without straining your body.

It is normal to experience some discomfort and nausea. Oranges are good for relieving this, however, be sure to chew it well and don't eat too much.

It's best to do a colonic enema on the last day as it is the best way to completely eliminate this waste. You may want to schedule a visit with a hydro-therapist for this day.

For people over 40 who have not had excellent eating habits, it will probably be necessary to repeat this fast each month for a few months to break loose all their gallstones.

Pregnant women and
should not fast.

Consult your health care provider before going on this fast especially if you have diabetes, heart disease, ulcerative colitis, or epilepsy; if you are under 18 or underweight; or if you are on medication.

How to Do a Lemonade Fast

How to Do a Lemonade Fast

This fast, adapted from Stanley Burrough's Master Cleanser Recipe, is a simple, yet demanding, cleanse that allows you to maintain a moderate level of energy while cleansing your liver and blood stream and eliminating toxins from your deep tissues and vital organs. We recommend you discuss doing any fasts with your doctor and read "Understand a Lemonade Fast" in Related eHows.

Things You'll Need:

Lime Juice

Maple Syrups Organic


lemon juice

Cayenne Pepper


Combine 2 tbsp. of fresh lemon or lime juice, 1 or 2 tbsp. of organic maple syrup and some cayenne pepper (as your taste allows), per 1 c. of pure water.


Drink a minimum of six cups of this mixture a day for a minimum of 10 days. Eat no solid foods. You may drink herbal teas and water as well.


Keep your bowels moving with laxative teas in the morning and evening to help your body eliminate the toxins accumulating in your colon as the lemonade cleans your entire system. Taking enemas on the last few days is also highly recommended for clearing out your colon.


Break your fast by drinking orange juice for two days to prepare your stomach to assimilate other foods. On the third day, drink orange juice in the morning, raw fruit for lunch, and fruits and salad for dinner. Resume normal, healthy eating on the next day.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid heavy exercise during this fast. Light yoga, walking and
are excellent ways to stimulate your metabolism without straining your body.

Expect the greatest amount of hunger around the third day (this varies slightly according to your metabolism).

Pregnant women and
should not fast.

If you have diabetes, heart conditions, ulcerative colitis or epilepsy; if you are under 18 or under weight, if you are on medication, use extra caution when fasting.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact a physician or other health-care professional before fasting. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

How to Identify a Fad

How to Identify a Fad

It seems that everywhere you look people are wearing the same cut of jeans and carrying the "It" bag. Is it a fashion revolution or a fad destined to pass into obscurity as soon as the seasons change? New classic or passing fancy? Spot a fad and avoid spending hundreds of dollars on a trendy item that collects dust in a few months.


and people in their early 20s. This group is most likely to fall prey to the latest fad in apparel and gadgets. When the teens at the mall are suddenly sporting a pair of white Wayfarer sunglasses, it's probably a fad.


Scout discount stores for knock offs of the item. The minute an accessory becomes a fad, cheaper versions appear at stores that everyone can afford. A store immediately selling out of the item is a good indicator of a fad.


Think about the practicality of the item or method. Consider whether it's something you can easily incorporate into everyday life or day to day outfits. Fads are usually more flashy than they are practical, designed to get people to turn their heads.


Consider the marketing scheme for the product. Large numbers of people giving testimonials about the effectiveness of a diet, but the company selling it can offer no scientific results, deem it a fad. Likewise, when amazing results are promised with little to no effort, it's trendy at best.


Note the length of time of it's popularity. When the newest and best disappears as quickly as it became popular, you know you have just witnessed a fad.

How to Host a Bead Bracelet Party

How to Host a Bead Bracelet Party

Hosting a bead bracelet party is quite simple. To make stretch bracelets out of beads requires no jewelry making expertise and can be done quickly and easily. If you can tie two square knots, you can make a stretch bracelet out of beads.


To prepare for your party, start by paying a visit to your local bead store. If you don't have a bead store in your area, many craft stores have a fair selection of beads you can use for your party. If not, check for online sources for beads including such sites as Ebay. You'll want to choose a variety of beads in different shapes and materials to allow your party to create wide range of bracelets to suit their taste.

Your guests will probably want to make several bracelets, so make sure you have plenty of beads on hand. While you're at your craft or bead store, pick up several sizes of stretch cord and some super glue to add firmness to the knots used to hold together your bracelet.


Prepare bowls of beads for your guests along with stretch cord, scissors, and Super Glue. Arrange them attractively by color or shape to make it easy for your guests to make their selection. You may want to have magazine photos and catalogs showing examples of stretch bracelets that can be made to inspire your guests. For a little variety, why not have each of your guests choose another guest to design a bracelet for that befits her personality?


To make a beaded bracelet, each guest can simply string the beads of her choice onto an appropriate length of stretch cord, leaving enough room to tie two square knots to secure the beads on the cord. Once the knots have been tied tightly and securely, a drop of Super Glue is to the knot and allowed to dry. The stretch cord that sticks out beyond the knot can be trimmed with a pair of scissors and the bracelet is ready to wear.

Tips & Warnings

Don't forget to have some refreshments for your guests. They'll need it after all of that serious designing and bead bracelet making.

Stretch bracelets made in this manner that are tied securely and reinforced with Super Glue can last a year or longer if not subjected to rough wear. At that point, they may need to be restrung.

How to Hook Jelly Bracelets

How to Hook Jelly Bracelets

Madonna popularized jelly


in the '80s. They're popular again and can usually be purchased in a pack at mall accessory stores. Some schools or cliques have devised secret coding for the colors of bracelets they wear. You can wear your jelly bracelets as is, or hook them together. Follow these steps to hook together your jelly bracelets.

Things You'll Need:

2 or 4 jelly bracelets


Find two jelly bracelets to hook together. You can use the same or different colors.


Hold one bracelet in each hand, and place them on a table with the right one laying halfway over the top of the left one, so they look like a Venn diagram.


Use your left thumb to press down on the left side of the right bracelet. Use the bottom of the same thumb to simultaneously hold down the left side of the left bracelet.


Grasp the right side of the left jelly bracelet with your thumb and middle finger. Lift it up about an inch through the middle of the right bracelet while still holding down your left thumb on the left sides of the bracelets. Lightly hold down the right side of the right bracelet with the ring finger of your right hand.


Bring the bracelet you are holding with your thumb and middle finger to the left, and push it down on the table into the middle of the left opening, moving your left thumb out of the way. Hook the left side of the right jelly bracelet with the middle finger of your right hand, and pull it up about an inch.


Pinch the left side of the left jelly bracelet between the thumb and index finger of your left hand. Pull it up while pushing your right thumb down and pulling your right middle finger up. Keep pressing down on the right bracelet with your right ring finger.


Replace your right thumb with your right middle finger. Grab the free end of bracelet with your left thumb. Push down with the back of your right middle finger. Pull up with your left thumb and index finger, pinching the two bracelets together.


Push your right hand through the new opening that you created with your hooked together bracelets. It will be snug. You may have to push and stretch the bracelets to fit your hand through.

Tips & Warnings

You can hook together four bracelets instead of two. Use two bracelets on each side instead of just one.

How to Hire a Personal Makeover Consultant

How to Hire a Personal Makeover Consultant

You know the time has come to make some changes to your personal appearance, but it's difficult to be objective. Consider hiring a personal makeover consultant. These professionals are trained to maximize assets, play up attractive traits and change the bothersome, annoying ones. A makeover, whether subtle or extreme, can really bolster your self-esteem.

Things You'll Need:

Referral of a friend

Visit the Shopping Mall


Stop at one of the cosmetic counters at a department store and ask for a complimentary


and color consultation. Purchase only the items you feel you can incorporate into your day-to-day lifestyle.


Seek out the services of a professional personal shopper at a large department store to revamp your wardrobe. Their services are often complimentary.

Seek the Advice of Others and Meet Face-to-Face with Potential Consultants


Inquire whether friends or coworkers have used a personal image consultant.


Ask whether they were satisfied and what they did or did not like about the experience. Find out whether they would do it again.


Request contact information for the consultant whom your friend or coworker used and set up a preliminary consultation with him.


Ask to see before and after transformation photos of the personal image consultants' clients.


Talk to the image consultant about what you want to consider changing and show her your photographs.


Look at the consultant's pricing for the work you want done. Ask whether he has a payment plan or requires payment in advance.


Wait to decide whose services you want to use until after you have interviewed at least two other image specialists. Compare your notes on each one. Once you've made a decision to hire one, schedule an appointment with her to begin working on your new look.

Tips & Warnings

Keep what personal makeover consultants can do in perspective. Professional advice is what they offer.

Don't hire a personal makeover consultant who doesn't share a vision with you. The experience could become frustrating. Make sure she can relate to you and understand your wishes before you hire her.

How to Hide Post-Baby Belly

How to Hide Post-Baby Belly

The birth of a baby can be a bittersweet time for the mother who cannot fit back into her clothes. As clichГ© as it is, it takes nine months to gain the weight so it should take another nine months to loose it. That doesn't mean nine more months of maternity clothes. There are ways to look slimmer while your body adjusts.


Black is your friend. Well fitting, not loose, black pants or a longer black top with jeans does wonders.


Wear maternity clothes for bit after having your baby, but stick to pants without the belly panel. Otherwise you will feel awful if someone spots it and asks you when you're expecting. Besides, the sooner you are out of them the better you will feel about yourself.


Don't wear pants that are tight around your waist or the excess skin will sag resulting in a "muffin top." Find tops with extra room in the waist. Fortunately baby doll tops are in, so take advantage. Just don't wear tops with a tie around the waist or it will enhance your belly.


Wear tops with a pattern that will redirect the eye and camouflage your belly.


Buy a cute jacket to go over a slim t-shirt, preferably one that stops at the waist. This makes a slimmer profile.


Wear a girdle. They aren't your grandma's girdles anymore. A lot of attractive undergarments, including panties with support, are now made to hold you in. This also will help your lower back while your body is adjusting.


Wear large earrings or a necklace to take attention away from your midsection.

Tips & Warnings

Until you reach your pre-pregnancy size, borrow clothes or visit a consignment shop to find clothes that fit appropriately.

Assess your pre-pregnancy wardrobe and see if there is anything that you could use postpartum, possibly a loose skirt or larger shirt.

How to Hide Love Handles

How to Hide Love Handles

They might be called "love handles," but nobody loves them. Even worse, it's very difficult to burn them into oblivion, especially when that plate of cookies beckons ever so temptingly. Fortunately, the right clothing can disguise those handles o' love like nobody's business.


Banish any overly snug clothes from your closet. Pants that are too tight can cause your hip and belly fat to spill over the waistband, creating the infamous "muffin top" look. Shirts too tight will cling to love handles. Although an 8 rather than a 10 might make you feel thinner, you might not look it if it isn't your real size.


Consider the layered look. Choose a loose, open cardigan or tunic with a fitted tee on top and properly fitted pants to give you a trim middle.


Move the waistline. An empire waist tunic or dress highlights the slimmest part of your body--the area right below the bustline, allowing the "not so slim" parts to disappear under the fabric beneath.


Choose the weight and quality of the fabrics in your wardrobe wisely. Cheap, thin knits tend to cling in all the wrong places, while a fabric with more heft falls more forgivingly.


Wear black. It's a clichГ© that black is a "slimming" color, but it's not a lie. A little black dress that fits well and is the right cut and fabric takes inches off your figure.


Invest in a body slimmer or shaper if all else fails. These stretchy and surprisingly comfortable undergarments whittle down your mid-section.

Tips & Warnings

Go shopping with an honest, compassionate friend who will tell you how the clothes look before you purchase them.

Avoid wearing baggy attire. Many people turn to baggy clothes to hide bulges, but this actually increases a person's perceived girth, rather than streamlining the silhouette.

How to Hem the End of a Bikini Strap

How to Hem the End of a Bikini Strap

The bikini strap is one of the smallest and most important components of a bikini for the simple reason that its main purpose is keeping the bikini top from falling down. To avoid this mortifying situation, you have to make sure you hem the end of a bikini strap properly.

Things You'll Need:

Coordinating colored thread


Inspect the strap. After you've sewn the strap, take a close look at the stitching to make sure that the strap is sturdy and not going to fall apart. If you see places in which the stitching looks weak or doesn't cover both sides of the strap, re-stitch over that area.


Turn the strap right side out. Begin at one end of the strap and roll the top down over itself so the right side is visible. Continue turning the material until the majority of the strap is right side out.


Stop turning the strap right side out when you get about 1/4 inch from the bottom. Keep this end tucked inside of the strap in order to finish the hem.


Inspect the end of the strap to make sure you tuck the ends inside the strap smoothly before you begin sewing the final hem. This avoids bumps in the finished hem.


Stitch the hem of the bikini strap. Run two to three rows of short stitches to hem up the strap. You need to use more than one row of stitches to make sure the strap can withstand moderate to heavy use.

Tips & Warnings

Always vary the width of bikini straps according to bust size. Larger busted women need thicker straps for support, while smaller busted women are able to go with any sized strap.

Avoid making the strap too short. Straps that go around the neck that are too short pull down on the neck and will lead to the strap ripping from the bikini. Straps that go around the shoulders pull up on the back of the bikini or cut into the shoulders.