How to Do a Potato Fast for Weight Loss

How to Do a Potato Fast for Weight Loss

The potato fast is a great way to clean your system and lose 10 pounds while soothing your digestive tract at the same time. We recommend that you see "How to Understand a Potato Fast" and consult your doctor before engaging in this fast.

Things You'll Need:

Caraway Seeds



Fennel Seeds


Herbal Teas

Mint (fresh Herb)








Choose potatoes that are organically grown, small in size, but heavy for their size. Avoid potatoes with skin discolorations such as dark brown or green spots.


Eat only potatoes, morning, noon and night, for two to four days. Eat them baked, mashed, steamed, roasted, and juiced, but never fried.


Season your potatoes with chives, mint, cumin, turmeric, fennel, caraway, paprika, dill, nutmeg,
and fresh garlic. Use potato juice or herbal teas to aid in making mashed potatoes, but never add milk.


Leave the skins on the potatoes. The skins account for over 75% of the potato's mineral value.


Drink plenty of water and herbal teas. Use potato peels to make tea. Or make herbal teas to target specific ailments you may be dealing with. While your body is fasting it is particularily available to other treatments you may induce. Corn silk tea, burdock, nettle, yarrow, and dandelion root tea are all excellent teas to make during a potato fast.


Utilize an internal bath or enema at the end of your fast to help clear your colon of toxins.


Break your fast by adding fruits and vegetables to your diet of potatoes for a full day before introducing other foods.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid using aluminum pots, pans and foil when cooking your potatoes. When food is cooked in aluminum a reaction which displaces minerals in the foods being cooked occurs. These minerals, such as iron, zinc, magnesium, and copper are vital to the body.

Avoid strenous exercise during your fast. Some light yoga, walking and stretching are all excellent means of stimulating your metabolism and clearing your mind. After your fast it is essential that you begin a regular exercise schedule.

Drink plenty of water throughout your fast.

Pregnant women and
should not fast.

Consult your health care provider before going on this fast especially if you have diabetes, heart disease, ulcerative colitis, or epilepsy; if you are under 18 or underweight; or if you are on medication.