How to Perform Breath of Fire Breathwork Exercise in Yoga

How to Perform Breath of Fire Breathwork Exercise in Yoga

The Breath of Fire (Kapalabhati) breath work (pranayama) is associated with Kundalini yoga. This rapid, rhythmic breathing exercise cleanses toxins and also energizes the body and mind. This breath work exercise can help you if you are feeling tired or unfocused and helps with clarity and concentration.

Things You'll Need:


or Yoga mat

Breath of Fire Exercise: Energizes and Cleanses


Sit on your yoga mat or chair. Place your right hand on your stomach. Take a few seconds to focus and center yourself.Inhale a deep breath through your nose. Feel your stomach relax and push outward as you inhale.


Exhale through your nose. Feel your stomach as it pushes inward as you exhale.


Inhale through your nose. As you exhale through your nose, pull the solar plexus (the spot above the navel) back toward the spine with a pumping action. The exhaled air should leave the nostrils with a forceful "sniffing" sound.


Relax the solar plexus and immediately inhale with a sniffing sound. Do not pause between the inhalation and exhalation. Practice one round of 15-20 repetitions.

Tips & Warnings

Do not pause between inhalations and exhalations. The inhalation and exhalation are equal lengths (2-3 times per second). The Breath of Fire is a rapid, dynamic breath work exercise.

This is a forceful, energetic breathing exercise and it takes time to adjust to the sniffing and pumping motions of the breath work. If you feel light headed, breathless or dizzy at any time, immediately stop the exercise, or take deep, relaxing breaths and then continue.

This is an advanced breath work exercise. If this breath work is too intense, practice 10-15 repetitions or less.

If you have any medical conditions, remember to consult a doctor before participating in this energetic breath work exercise. Pregnant women should not attempt this breath work exercise.